Well, I've had this thing dormant here for so long, it has got digital dust which needed blowing off of it. So, yeah, this is my blog. Last time I wrote one, MySpace was king. Funny how things change. Now it's all facebook, YouTube, twitter and flying monkey butlers. I figured it was time to add another string to the proverbial and get down and start writing again. It's a rusty organ. The writing, that is, not, you know.
So the raison d'etre of this blog is to pool together my loves, and try to congeal them into a coherent whole. Maybe congeal wasn't the best word to use. Makes it sound a bit messy. Haaaaaaaaaanyway, these loves are, chiefly, history and travel (hence the blog/twitter/future website name), although I'm sure a bit of film and TV, books, art, music and anything that shinily catches my attention.
I've a few things brewing at the moment, so expect stream of consciousness semi-essays on all manner of topics, including: a short history of the heirs to the throne that didn't quite make it; landowners and blocked footpath access; my review of The White Queen series so far. And other goodies to comes.
Also, if anyone fancies History According To Geoff, give me some ideas and I may make it a regular feature!
Pip pip, and chocks away!
Can't wait for the one about the royals! Love all things royal.
It'll be the first post in a day or two, Lindsay! There's a fair few heirs that never made it to the English throne, and I'm going to do a brief rundown of them all! Very much inspired by young George (and the fact I've been wating to write a book on them for a while)!
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